Dragon Ball GT Para Para's Brothers Journey - Death of Para Para's Boogie

Para Para's Brothers is the team of a bandit who forced by Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy to finds the Black Star Dragon Balls. Their name respectively is Bon Para, Don Para, and Son Para. Previously Bon Para succeeded stole 6 star Dragon Ball from Goku in the Planet Gelbo, then they lured Goku, Trunks, and Pan to Beehay and forced them to meets The Mouma. 

Unfortunately, due to another Dragon Ball that still saved in the Grand Tour Spaceship, Para Para's Brothers must come back to Beehay from Planet Luud. So they must facing the Galaxy Trio now. They have a special movement named Para Para's Boogie, afterward, Goku, Trunks, Pan, and Giru suddenly affected. They dance in the rhythm of Para Para's Boogie and attacked miserably. 

Source of this story is :
Black Star Dragon Ball Saga
Dragon Ball GT Episode 9 - Lord Luud
Dragon Ball GT Episode 10 - Dance and Attack
Dragon Ball GT Episode 11 - Lord Luud's Curse

Characters :
Para Para's Brothers, Goku, Trunks, Pan, Giru, Mouma, Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy

Main objects :
Para Para's spaceship, Grand Tour Spaceship, Planet Beehay, Planet Luud, Luud's cult, 6 black star dragon ball

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